ECOGEL 55-60AH C100 GEL βαθιάς εκφόρτισης για φωτοβολταικό

107.00  Χωρίς ΦΠΑ
132.68  Συμπεριλαμβάνει ΦΠΑ

ECOGEL 55 / 60AH C100 GEL  Σειρά Premium βαθιάς εκφόρτισης κλειστού τύπου GEL Long Life maintance free (χωρίς συντήρηση ) βαθιάς εκφόρτισης υψηλής πιστότητας με προσδόκιμο χρόνο ζωής τα 10-12 χρόνια

Έως 1250 κύκλους φόρτισης  στο DοD 50% της εκφόρτισης

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ECOGEL 55 / 60AH C100 GEL  Σειρά Premium βαθιάς εκφόρτισης κλειστού τύπου GEL Long Life maintance free (χωρίς συντήρηση ) βαθιάς εκφόρτισης υψηλής πιστότητας με προσδόκιμο χρόνο ζωής τα 10-12 χρόνια
Κατάλληλη για Solar χρήση σε αυτόνομα φωτοβολταϊκά και υβριδικά συστήματα, back up εφαρμογές, UPS, μόνιμες και εξοχικές κατοικίες σκάφη αναψυχής (χρήση services), Ηλεκτροκίνητα Αμαξίδια, αναμεταδότες wifi & κινητής τηλεφωνίας κ.α.

Διαστάσεις S. Energy ECO_ GEL55 / 60ah C100- Solar GEL VRLA

Μήκος:  196.00 mm
Πλάτος: 165.00 mm
Ύψος:   170.00 mm
Βάρος:  14.00 κιλά

Έως 1250 κύκλους φόρτισης  στο DοD 50% της εκφόρτισης

Solar Gel Range VRLA The most reliable battery for renewable energy

Valve Regulated Lead Acid rechargeable batteries are designed to provide outstanding performance in withstanding overcharge, over discharge,and resisting vibration and shock

Features Features

1. Valve regulated lead acid (VRLA)

2. Micro millimeter S1O2 and H2SO4 technology for efficient gas recombination of up to 99% and freedom from electrolyte maintenance or water adding

3. Not restricted for air transport – complies with IATA/ICA0 Special provision A67

4. German Technology

5. UL- recognized component

6. Computer designed lead, calcium tin alloy grid for high power density

7. Long service life, float or cyclic applications

8. Maintenance free operation 9.

9. Low self discharge

10. Unique performance against high temperature

11.Spill-proof and leak-proof


13. Cathodic protection Navigation aids

14. Communications-Water pumping Remote monitoring

15. Refrigeration Lighting

16. Residential

17. Wind generation

> Refrigeration Lighting
> Residential
> Wind generation@ Specifications
Voltage 12V
Positive plate Lead dioxide
Negative plate Lead
Container Reinforced ABS
Cover Reinforced ABS
Safety valve Rubber
Separator Copper
Electrolyte Colloidal Silicon

Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ

Weight 19 kg

SKU: ECOGEL 55-60AH C100 GEL βαθιάς εκφόρτισης για φωτοβολταικό Categories: , ,

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    This section provides a brief overview of how to get started using the controller. However, please review the entire manual to ensure best performance and years of trouble-free service. 
    1. Mount the controller to a vertical surface. Allow space above and below the controller for air flow. 
    2. Make sure the PV and load currents will not exceed the ratings of the controller being installed. 
    3. It is recommended that the connections be made in order from 1 to 6. (see the following picture)
    4. Connect the BATTERY first. Use care that bare wires do not touch the metal case of the controller. 
    5. Connect the SOLAR(PV array) next. The green LED indicator will light if sunlight is present. 
    6. Connect the LIGHT last. If the red LED indicator lights, the battery capacity is low and should be charged before completing the system installation 
    7. Press the BUTTON as 6 or 7 to verify the system connecting.
    3. Connect the consumer to the charge regulator – plus and minus Please observe that the automatic adjustment to 12V / 24V systems does not function properly, if this sequence order is not followed. An improper sequence order can damage the battery!
    1. Press the power switch for 5 seconds, and select the desired LIGHTING CONTROL option. The LED is on, which confirmed you have selected the right one. 
    2. The controller requires 10 minutes of continuous transition values before it starts to work. These constraints avoid false transitions due to lightning or dark storm clouds. 
    3. 10 minutes off before the controller start to work. 
    4. A brief description follows below:
     0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7  For DC output
     0  Dusk-to-Dawn, light is on all light
     1  1 hours light is turn on after sundown
     2  2 hours light is turn on after sundown
     3  3 hours light is turn on after sundown
     4  4 hours light is turn on after sundown
     5  5 hours light is turn on after sundown
     6  6 hours light is turn on after sundown
     7  7 hours light is turn on after sundown
     0。  8 hours light is turn on after sundown
     1。  9 hours light is turn on after sundown
     2。  10 hours light is turn on after sundown
     3。  11 hours light is turn on after sundown
     4。  12 hours light is turn on after sundown
     5。  13 hours light is turn on after sundown
     6。  Lights remain turned off, ON/OFF mode
     7。  Test mode, lights on after it detects no light, lights off after it detects light.


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Επιδοτήσεις, ECOGEL 55-60AH C100 GEL μπαταρία βαθιάς εκφόρτισης για φωτοβολταικό,Επιδότηση φωτοβολταικών,

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